HDPE geomembrane liners are the favored product for lining projects. HDPE liners are impervious to many different solvents and are the most widely used geomembrane liner in the world.
Geotextile is a synthetic permeable textile material used to improve the soil characteristics. It has the ability to separate, filter, reinforce, protect and drain when used in association with soils.
Geomats protect slopes and horizontal surfaces notwithstanding the soil foundation. At the right choice of the material and observation of assembling technique rules, erosion damages can be eliminated even on difficult areas and steep slopes.
Drainage Cell creates a permanent, non-clogging void between the concrete slab and the soil profile that will not collapse or distort. The lightweight nature is the perfect choice for planter boxes, roof gardens, and landscaped podiums.
GeotextileBags are a geotextile filled with soil and it is sewn, forming pads that are used to replace conventional marine protection rocks. GeotextileBags are more stable hydraulically and geotechnically because this bag is heavier, and wider with a high proportional ratio.
Geo Pipes being an authorized dealer for supplying Electrical Conduit Fittings. They are reckoned as one of the most coveted suppliers, trader, exporters and service providers of Electrical Conduit Fittings.
Geogrids are high strength-oriented polymer grid structures used to reinforce soils & are made from High Tenacity polyester yarns, when coated with Poly Vinyl Chloride they make a strong, durable & dimensionally stable geogrid.
Geosynthetic Clay Liners (GCLs) are geotextile and bentonite composites engineered for a variety of environmental containment applications.

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